IT Settings
Frame Size
Connect to the Camera
Top Page
Choose the desired frame size.
JPEG Settings
Choose the compression rate from VFS1 – VFS7, or select AFS
and specify the Jpeg average file size in KByte.
Approximate file size for each compression rates are as follows.
Click [Go]
Enter the Password
Click on [Network], followed by [Basic] on the next
MPEG-4 Settings
Specify the desired MPEG-4 bitrate.
Change the IP address
Change CBR/VBR, FPS, I Frame Interval and Priority when
Click on the menu [Network] – [Basic] to show setting page.
Launching Viewer
[Note for MPEG-4 Viewing]
User name: admin
Download the “ffdshow” from the Internet and install before
viewing MPEG-4 image with the built-in MPEG-4 viewer.
Password: vn-v686 (by default)
The “ffdshow” is a open source CODEC and found at various
Internet sites like
(as of may.2008)
Basic Trouble Shooting
After selecting [DHCP Disable], enter the
specified value in each fields.
When some ERROR happens…
Solution 1 If DHCP server exists on the network, IP address
other than may be assigned to the camera. Ask
currently assigned IP address for the network administrator or
try to connect again in peer-to-peer environment.
Press OK and wait for 1 minute while rebooting.
Change also IP address of the PC to re-connect the camera.
Solution 2 With no DHCP Server, the IP address of the camera
should be by default. Change also the PC IP
address so that the camera and PC are on the logically same
Encoding settings
Click on the menu [Image] – [Encoding] to show setting page.
Solution 3 Change the IE settings not to use the proxy server
trusted site and change the IE setting to allow Active
Frame Size
Solution 4 If you have already setup another camera which
was originally the same IP address with the camera this time,
PC may still recognize that the corresponding MAC address to
this IP is the previous one. Launch the command prompt and
type “arp –a” to confirm all IP and corresponding MAC
address entries. To delete all entry, type “arp –d”.
JPEG Settings
MPEG-4 Settings
According to your system operation policy, set the necessary
settings like
Preset Position
Privacy Mask
Note Ping command could be a good solution in any
and so on.
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